Any voucher-based promotion, in any channel, via a single API
When brands connect to Currency Alliance, they instantly gain access to a highly flexible voucher platform - all via a single API. That’s whether you’re using Currency Alliance as your primary loyalty platform, or using it to enhance the capability of your existing technology.
Here are some of the features and possibilities of our voucher platform – which can be used with, or without a points-based loyalty program.
Precision control of issuance & redemption
Optimize the value of promotions for customers, and for your business. Issue vouchers for certain campaigns, in specific locations, or even to certain customers.
Restrict redemptions to certain brands or specific SKUs, vary the value depending on the time or available days for the redemption, and/or specify the use of certain loyalty currencies.
Loyalty-enhanced promotions
Enable redemptions for your vouchers from your loyalty currency, or a partner’s points or miles. Vary the points value of your vouchers, and gain the full range of loyalty mechanics for your voucher-based promotions.
Omnichannel marketing capability
Enable voucher issuance & redemption in any environment – an app, an ecommerce store, or at the POS via the Universal Points Terminal.
Any currency, any customer, any value
Vouchers issued using Currency Alliance can have any face value in any points, miles, or fiat currency. You can restrict this value to certain customers – or batch-issue vouchers without unique identifiers, for redemption against any product or purchase.
API-first connectivity
Currency Alliance’s voucher platform can exchange data with any other martech module. Set the redemption value based on whether inventory is distressed, draw on the CDP or CRM to tailor issuance based on customer lifetime value – and more.
A fully-private customer engagement channel
Issue special offers publicly, or directly to customers via email, SMS or any other marketing channel – in conjunction with any campaign, or independently of any other commercial activity.

Get started
- The voucher platform is available to all brands using Currency Alliance to manage the loyalty partnerships and loyalty programs.
- Register today for free, arrange a demo, and discover our full range of tools for maximizing loyalty engagement in-store and online.